Saturday, 25 January 2020


Ok let me recite or utter a shayari though I hardly am that intense,
I am lively & don't take those words on heart that have no substance,

I believe I am big hearted & all I know that when it's on me then i say let go,
what remains in others blured mind though I quitely get to know,

through their sounds words & false moods & well then I turn to my songs,
yes my songs that I listen n at times I manage to say.. I am in wrong,

there are many young who are romantic & are inclined to enjoy a date,
n be as much romantic shayarana as possible n cracking a fate,

of lifetime.. shayari is all about sadness n some unfulfilled dreams,
but I choose the different way.. I remain  lively with calm screams,

that I at times usher & usher with in & with all emotions enjoying songs,
more of sad & romantic geners & at times wanting to prove me wrong,

cry heart out & Shed tons of tears & be sort of vulnerable & intensely sad,
I tried but I couldn't be.. as I know me & my responsibilities & I refuse to be mad,

by returning to my realities.. all that I feel within is good & pleasant,
shayari I then tend to be should be of heart n from heart n for own significant,

like that song Pal bhar ke liye koi humme pyaar kar le..Jhoota hee sahi,
ha ha ha & I with such thought become shayar for a while..bas yun hee..



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