Saturday, 21 December 2019


Started with untitled because it's all about the most acclaimed title in life,
And is called The Money.. Well.. without Money life is nothing but is full of strife,

Well there are people who manage Tobe philosophical about it,
And by the way who are these??.. Well Let these be philosophically hit,

Let these be in whatever utopian world they like to be in & live on,
But to persist with real world all need Earned Money all upon,

And all by legal means.. And to obtain & sustain all & everything in life,
Money matters ofcourse.. But hai Paisa Hai Paisa that's what but a greedy knife,

That cuts & peels like butcher & whose life revolves having only Money,
At cost of relations.. No poor parent.. No poor peer..No Poor Loving Honey,

But only Money.. And the Greed of having Only this makes such What,
Glut.. Slut.. Greedy.. Kanjoos.. whatever.. But these shall never shut,

The Extreme Greed for Money at any cost & all costs,
Maybe conscience of these have gone rotten & burnt toast,

That can never be raised as way of celebrations in styles,
Money is the only criterion in their life to feel equal & versatile,

Poverty is a big big curse that I know & literally on each day I feel,
Money is Paramount I know & I haven't developed that greed that peels,

The skin.. The bare soul.. Know.. The Greedy uses the curse words,
And all to satiate own greed.. Greeds don't allow them to hear the mutely unheard,

Voice of conscience that might be saying to such.. Stop please stop,
Such do not... And may head to what destination.. Can any spot,

May be some can..May be God Can.. But can even God here prevails upon,
I don't think so.. Coz it's this myopic Maya that intoxicates such alone,

I wish I were a rich hence could had been in position to give some advice,
to these.. but I am not.. Hence I don't.. Though I have paid price..

To buy my Food Dear.. What did u think..😃

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Missing Memories???

Missing memories or what.. well I couldn't initially knew,
later when in life I got on & faced a lots & when I literally grew,

I understood with a pinch of salt within.. saying yaar,
wt.. it was just an infatuation that I took as loving bizzare,

Aray Kahan ka bizzare yaar.. since inturns  I got to know,
that mine such & so much commonly that that.. always open to a row,

or the bout the unending.. till the time I bowed & said,
ok you win.. & now let the peace prevail & just live unafraid,

just don't worry about the curse words you use & roam about,
Mai Hoon Na.. to bear all these upon me.. trust me & have no doubts,

Reason you were my infatuation & just of me.. Hence all unto me,
The good & the bad including.. But of somethings I am free,

To keep mesmiring memories fresh even  of times gone,
Me with me alone.. doing all the chores & living life alone,

Enjoying all the musics I liked.. throwing all lyrics that I could,
from lips.. sometimes whispering in my wintery hiding woolen good,

while in actual I felt for none yet I perceived a desire for some,
called my infatuation & I went for such.. Well life then took the turn,

For good or bad I can't tell.. Reason.. life is not of me & me alone,
there & rather here we are a few called a bunch of family unknown,

to majority of all.. And it's here we lived we grew & we faced,
all the oddities of life yet we survived & we kept living unfazed,

through all the circumstances.. though time did took its toll,
upon me & my relationship & now I live in my memorial roll,

that I keep unfolding with in & at times enjoying such bliss,
I admit I made errors.. I got lessons & I learnt a simple suffix,

live a life until death but as tender male & know other is much mature,
give up your male ego & be listener.. be understanding & be sure,

that you are on way to be atleast an average man,
or rather a family man.. who cares as real what?? I don't know... I am jammed..

         in my memories ❤️..

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Does it???

Truth prevails.. this I kept believing in since my children days,
and all as inputs I imbibed from my elders who made me believe in their says,

gradually I kept getting know that for them it was more a matter of convince,
since at times these made a blantant lie.. A complete truth.. with ease,

why.. I couldn't understand then but later when I could I got to know,
it was all for grabbing assets & properties even by restoring to lows,

but in public domains so ably knitting their image as of concerned true,
while in reality the truth never prevailed.. it were lies that got bloomed thru,

so now I'm at this stage of life where I can look back in life n say when??,
did the truth prevailed for us in our life.. Never I say.. But even then,

I keep believing in the eternal & divine words.. Truth prevails,
I don't wait for this now coz I know wait is emotionally painful veil,

That keeps us engulfed in dark faith that one day the truth shall rise,
Let it.. If it is to.. it shall.. but i know for their lies I have paid huge price..

........ just they prosperd.. 


Saturday, 12 October 2019


Voices echo & how & when.. literally all know yet none acknowledge such,
reason.. the voices echo when these hit the mounting walls & stoney gruch,

These return your voices without showing any empathy towards you,
And all with double the impacts in volumes n intensity thru n thru,

that gets pierced into you.. your soul.. your body & your mind,
and inadvertently invited by you own by echoing voice to such blind,

who simply ignores all kinds of wrongs happening within systems,
may be for own selfish sake nevertheless all unto own scepticism,

that such carry always & almost & within with terrific style,
sounding literally concerned for you but actually with no guile,

No shame in eyes no tears for your pains but then it's known,
Most of the people are just like these. Stone hearted & un prone,

To any of your worries.. ills.. troubles & distinctive pains,
The voices unto such stone hearted shall get echo through each lanes,

All I got to know since then was this.. is this & shall always be this,
being stone is easy but being empathetic is being real & simplish...

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Life on Axis

On axis I thought of a life that should always remain in symmetry,
from one axis to the other & equal to each with matching chemistry,

a genius spending life with a genius having no worries of egos,
no nowboarding to slippery terrains hyberbolic downing Legos,

well the point of equibirium I believe is when one touches one's soul,
making these dance elliptically tangential together singing no foul,

well the algorithm of these two remain integral to any calculation,
alzebric.. trigonometric or hypothetical.. whatever but tested on each stipulation,

life on axis should always be in symmetry to all ills & woes,
so on other vector there remains a life filled with joys & ho ho,

and life never is two dimensional.. never based upon null hypothesis,
life is fully optimistically ebullient tested perfectly on each synthesis,

Statiscally proved on each empirical data and this is life,
all real.. isme gum bhi hai khusia bhi means both happiness & strife...

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Memories Unlimited..

Memories never get old & aged.. These always remain young,
Within heart these keep beeping up & down full flung,

Now I am getting aged & may not be able  to skip a leg on beats,
All because of an injury I had got & may be shall after treat,

But then memories of all those olden times remain in me,
sometimes while listening to oldies.. Sometimes pasting a glee,

On face.. on recalling mesmerizing days spent following one,
when time seem an endless trial.. all I had.. were dreams in turn

which used to flow on days & nights.. in anticipation of having one in arms,
those were different & difficult days but made into reality with causing no harm,

To any..Well I know gone times never return yet something remains
That are memories.. Keeping these young forever within without any disdain..

     Am Old with Young memories..👴🏼

Tuesday, 20 August 2019


Death.. you are a poem with an infinite sonnet,
you are an eternal friend driving a car with swanky bonnet,

and when you arrive horning in with all muses & raves,
literally carrying along with you.. your muse from pave,

life ends & the end begins it's journey of another life,
hopefully much better than the past that was full of strife,

well I literally shall not be in know who I was n who I shall be,
may be my karma decided it & shall decide..My Life tree,

in any way... Na Bhooto na bhaviyshati..all I know is the present,
Or the gift of God called life whose end is definite & hopefully pleasant...

                O God..🙏🙏🙏👴🏼

Saturday, 15 June 2019


Don't know how but on one fiery noon a voice from horizon came,
Did see hither n thither.. checked mobile but all in vain,

since the voice was of invisible.. who I thought was God,
Son.. The voice pronounced me as such.. applaud,

Since finally I have arrived to ease out yours worries & sorrows,
Get me your list of these & hopefully all be okay by tomorrow,

List 😀... Sorry God.. it's a long one or rather it's a worry book,
give me some time to scribble.. please please.. n please first look,

into millions n trillions of worries of those whose deeds are sowed,
in anticipation of good fruit but can get soiled coz levels lowed,

of humanity & of course water in earth that's been parched now,
and my book is just insignificant in comparison.. Hence allow,

Me to request you.. to pray you.. to fall into your feet,
for showering your blessings infinitely & & until you treat..

     All with your bounty.. O God..🙏

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Times fly..

Times fly & gets spend & all that remain are memories,
none returns from times gone by to tell untold stories,

The mysteries of the past get buried along with time,
only heresy flies with claims of my vision as real & sublime,

let these be as per their claims but as one living I could know,
I shall never be returning to gone days.. highs n low,

I mean all I can retract are the moments from times gone by,
to memorize these again through the lanes of blue skies,

through the galaxies of stars that twinkle bid n wrinkle,
through the imaginative retractions that shine & sprinkle,

all the moments that I lived in time gone through & past,
and I choose to recall good only.. Good that always last,

as memories..

Tuesday, 7 May 2019


who was he all know n who as rulers did see no ills,
to woes of literally billions.. reason these threw no frills,

to let their woes know for these believed in rulers who used to rule,
at those times n thought they were into effect change n not to fool,

but alas literally any ordinary could know that these were in to fill,
their wallets n lockers to hoard trillions so that these could make a kill,

from their born fortunes.. n all could know it's so special to,
get born into this family where all misdeeds just gets through,

into null n void.. n none had the courage and strength,
to utter a single word against their injustices of decades length,

these held no value for us except as one vote on our dates to votes,
n a few under patronage of one scholar dhirtrashtra got deeds n notes,

in favour of them to acquire Lands from Indraprasth regions,
at peanuts prices.. and literally all know that these happened treasons,

to nation.. courtesy one scholar.. n how its ok to forgo their misdeeds,
God shall let them know one day definitely but before shouldn't we plead,

to us own.. thru our silent yet collective strength on day of vote,
to let these be history forever.. though these still keep having notes,

Promisery of course with full of deeds at their lands of their loots,
n for utter blind king the singh.. nothing happened as he too got his fruit,

to remain blind... may be to enable them to shout abuse n contest,
elections na.. but at end of day shall do what when to face toughest,

the God itself.. Who knows all n witness all n now to let know what u did,
all unto God to decide.. who knows all.. sees all.. n do never forbids,

n that's why Such is God n all others who actually knew,
That God does never forbids... one is to pay for one's sins in true...


Friday, 29 March 2019

And then...

And then after many days & nights of extreme hardships n trials,
I got a faint strength & courage to recoup again & alter troubled dials,

that had numbers of pains & hurts only one to ten,
I very feebly rose up to change these to numbers now from then,

then this was & now it is.. get a resolve in mind to stay n feel content,
for own happiness & peace of mind but with mind of having intent,

to fulfill own desires.. to have some meagre luxurious life
of spreading large on own couch... of being in bed with wife,

though I know these are fantasies of me.. yet at times I feel,
sorry for me for such journey of life where I have to peel,

me off for staying away from sex.. all because no consent,
of.. blah blah blah.. nevertheless all is well since there is intent..

           hopefully apni bhi night aayegee..


Saturday, 23 March 2019


Pain.. pain.. yeah emotional n physical n I persisted with u yet again,
and for no gain..yeah you know this that I haven't got any gain,

From you or at expanse of you n I always treat u as my friend,
who for unknown reasons remains bitter to me as trend,

Let it be n let you be like this.. have no guts to fight with you,
reason you have no face.. all you have the whole penetration in true,

to inflict the you.. the pain unto all those who never betrayed,
rather remained faithfully sincere n never went astrayed,

Pain.. for the first time from me emerged with pleasant smile,
said.. yeah I know.. but I find you so close to me in my hearty profile,

I just like to be with you.. I know in recent as your enduring pain,
but as final analysis shall like to be remembered as Gain,

That happened to you inadvertently with out your knowledge,
to make you strong yet humble.. and human.. if yes do acknowledge..

.......... Yes I do......Thanks...🙏

Saturday, 26 January 2019


While being full of emotions I felt reciprocating emotions were unavailable,
My error was I continued with these thinking these were sailable,

Hence can be carried to their end in anticipation of these being endorsed,
but no no.. that wasn't the case.. they were all hips wires n engrossed,

in their own talks n ways to celebrate yet another night full of mugs,
of beers n wines.. the pegs of scotchs n whiskeys in their clubs,

well well well.. at times I tend to feel myself as one saviour,
who is out to solve problems in filmi ways.. Damn to my this behavior,

I learn my lesson perhaps this way.. n say to me.. apni hud mei rahoo,
where is the need to be this or that n have u been able to solve own woes,

nai na.. then Bhai focus on solving own loads of worries,
that flow in plenty these days n learn not to be in hurry,

of being self proclaimed saviour.. lessons lessons n lessons,
stay real n practical.. solve own worries.. live life with own passion..

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Unto you..

Unto you in being the one.. indifferent.. insensitive & aloof,
Where literally a lot many may done a lot for you with proof,

Unto you in not realising total efforts or partially realising of  just a few,
An iota from huge huge insensitivity.. that you carry within in true,

Well I am not here to change these percepts of you,
Biased & partial.. you carry these from deep within thru n thru,

Unto you to keep glowing your unshaken faiths in behaves partials,
No I even don't ask for that day for you to get to realise the martials,

Of lyings... That you kept n keep telling n all for own personal gains,
When did you exactly cared for others ..can you please explain,

Infact no need since all know you & what's u r up to,
Loving.. hating... Indifferent.. all as per your own the real you,

Hence unto you.. since a few in real dont like to show their pains,
Of them.. they bear it silently n with smiles.. & do they gain,

Anything.. well nothing except inbuilt strength to simply carry on,
And these are not millioniers or billionaires.. be known

These are simple or awkwardly simple to own causes,
These think more of you than of own hurdles n painful causes.

            Hopefully.. someone may..
                    Thanks 😊