Wednesday, 3 December 2014


sometimes.. some people start believing that how much you say but it does nt matter,
whaat?? at those times i intend to ask.. if it does not.. then what does.. spell in bold letter,

then believers of "it does not matter".. begin behaving in the ways that are quite utopian,
or bizarre.. or too sloppy..too awkward to fathom..and they begin spreading adverse opinion,

about the good intents and good motives of all those who do say.. " yes it does matter",
and that's why we are filled with good motives and intents to provide the best and better,

goods and services and in attempts to do these.. have put people in charge who should,
do their best to put things in practice.. since it does matter.. what does not matter.. and what could,

well what does not matter.. is the obstinate arrogance that no matter how much you persuade,
but shall remain always such.. undoers.. since in us it hardly matters.. we are in our shades,

i then strongly believe its all about choosing the choices that are fickle and at the most greedy,
how much one persuade them to be better with intents and contents.. no use.. and from speedy,

these become dull and slow.. always with some sort of robust anger with in.. but then why,
no need to ask.. these shall say.. " it does not matter.." alright.. can any make them again the good guys,

means those good persons again who not so long ago..  used to say.. yeah in us it does matter,
hopefully the realization in them set in faster.. to make them again say.. yeah it does and look we have become better...


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