Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Valour's love...

the person was hale and hearty and the person loved the royal sport,
and one day as his sponsored or built team strove around he sat looking on the court,

the viewers filled the benches around..the beautiful ladies by their side,
and amongst those or in was the one the most beautiful the person hoped to make his bride,

and truly that was the gallant out there to see the valour of the warrior and his magnificent show,
valour and love... the bold and the beautiful.. together made a mark with hands in gloves.. distinctly with faces full of glow,

in the court ramped and roared the gamers with horrid laughing jaws,
they waved.. they blew the kisses in air... bravo gentleman and the lady.. you won each other they said.. and like beams danced on their feet and paws,

with wallowing might and stiffed roar.. they jiggled and made somersaults.. and rolled upon one another,
then the party began in tandems and in pursuit of sheer pleasure... as it was the marriage of their big brother,

heavens guerdon for once.. was transformed to shinning bright gold,
and why not... finally they met and made sacred vows... the beautiful in the arms of the bold....

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