Like.. On one fine day I came across some thing regal & new,
That was fascinating & exciting.. It was a chance to cross a dew,
Well actually it wasn't.. It was a blinder to cross into times,
Of Kings.. Queens.. Princes n princess & who lived majestically prime,
In their royal plush palaces.. Amidst army of their servants
With their swollen prudent prides.. That really had no contents
Churning out verdicts in favour or against without any proof,
Means everything was based upon heresays or feeded goof,
That conspirators used to feed them lavishly with golden spoons,
Hence the culprits got acquitted & innocents got convicted as goons,
And here I was amidst these as invisible witness who knew the facts,
But could do nothing to protect innocents hence decided to retract,
To future ofcourse.. To import the kinds of recording devices,
Audio.. Video.. Still.. Cctv.. Means of all kinds to fight vices,
But then how will these run & operate in that no electricity age,
How.. Howwww.. Then an idea sneaked in.. That use Sun's rage,
Thus bring in solar devices that could operate all these,
Means opening a mega शोरूम in past & travelling future with ease,
To import all these into भूतकॉल.. In showroom run by me of present,
Then to travel back to future from my भूतकॉल of time recent,
Confused I got or getting or shall get.. Couldn't know where i am,
In past.. Present or future.. Until I got a jolt.. To get off from this scam,
That was like a sudden awakening from my wintery night dream,
Where I dreamt off being a saviour or योद्धा.. With roaring scream..
... Oh really..