so many thoughts ran in my mind.. and in mind came the words that were simply rude n crude,
yet i kept the beauty in mind.. or beauty of the mind in mind.. thought better be real than to get delude,
in things that do not have any relevance in life.. e.g... trying to convey emotions to non existing beauty,
since if this were real.. then definitely would be upfront in spaces.. pages.. instas.. etc.. as matter of duty,
to her ofcourse.. just to tell each n every.. in substance in letter and in spirits.. yeah that's me in real,
with my own face.. physique.. voice n other assests.. n i exist somewhere with someone.. own..vitriol,
no no.. bitter have no role to play in my life.. but in actual no such senses of charms been on display,
by the beauty.. her choice.. let her be.. who i am to influence her or remind her.. hope such is not gay,
or is he.. i dont know.. only you can tell n of course in your own voice.. lurking may be in some fear,
kee voh pitai kar dega.. then again the choice of that beauty.. but know beauty remain intact n clear,
as glowing n fresh as pristine n as fragile as elegant crystal.. handle with care n be with utmost emotions,
of love.. feelings.. memories.. sexual pleasures.. hot embraces.. getting cozy in arms.. with do do notions,
staying self esteemed.. feeling proud.. being contemporary citizen.. being playful.. n being strong,
the beauty personified n defined.. that's how i know such.. may be in my thoughts.. i know i am not in wrong......