Friday, 18 December 2015

i choose..

i choose to live life of choice.. good or bad.. what else.. but life certainly is not the chance,
i choose to stay motivated.. good all the times.. knowing being such shall always enhance,

                                   an opportunity..

i choose to be useful for any with whom i get associated.. both in personal n professional relations,
i choose to remain reasonably pleased n put curved 10 by 10 smile.. celebrate their elation's,

                                   of success n good fortune...

i choose to be medium of change.. n perhaps in these i get monitised as the medium of exchange,
i choose to have enough of motivation in me.. so that i stay with in my unit.. as unit not beyond range,

                                   of being asset not the liability...

i choose self esteem.. since i know it is the belief that keep me sustained in hours of intense needs,
i choose hard work.. again getting inspired from the success stories of those a few.. who did the deeds,

                        of being the successful entrepreneurs...

i choose to always listen to my inner voice.. be fair n be nostalgic,
about many loving people who in their owns ways remain charismatic,
         well almost always..

and finally.. I choose to admire those who transcends an aura of them,
wherever they live.. wherever they go... these sparkle 😍 like the Gem..

              as individuals with beauty & brain..



Saturday, 5 December 2015

i let these..

some times some situations become uneasy and uncomfortable courtesy some rigid attitudes,
of some or of many.. while some have opinions of their own that i call their way to express gratitude,

or say thanks n here i say typically glamours women who have both with them.. beauty n the brain,
do like to say things in simple words.. having likes for own IT.. i let these.. do not put them in uneasy pain,

i let these to bloom like the women they are.. and who am i to put the blocks in their enjoying grace,
that these show off being cozy n closer n hopefully in arms and the face being hidden with kissing face,

these views are of my own.. not radical at all.. these views are just normal since i know the simple way,
that how two loving live with each other n make love to each other.. i believe these find space to sway,

i sincerely let these.. you know in wintery night is their any better way to live indulge sleep n relax,
and after doing good things.. under the wraps.. being n getting in mood again to do more in reflex,

by repeating some good things or being in motion again.. and slowly settling the point accross,
that you did not do this.. and i am doing and in how better way.. i let these without putting cross..

to indulge in sex is the way of life.. to enjoy the pleasure is surely the bliss,
i never stop any.. i let these.. i often wish them good luck.. have the charming in arms.. put up generous kiss....

                                good .uck.. :)